orthomedic innovations sdn bhd

Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd Store is located in Penang Malaysia. Address of Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd is 188-D.

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Exporter of orthopaedic implants and instruments offered by orthomedic innovations sdn bhd 188-d jalan sultan azlan shah sungai tiram bayan lepas 11900 pulau pinangmalaysia.

. Our Factory Grochem M Sdn. Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhds company profile with key decision makers phone email Linkedin buyers products price suppliers from export import shipments. 188-D Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Kawasan Perindustrian Sungai Tiram 11900 Bayan Lepas Pulau Pinang Malaysia.

165094-H 27 Jalan Bukit 1 Kaw Miel Seri Alam 81750 Masai Johor. Submit your Enquiry as per your Sourcing Needs. 607-388 2555 Person To Contact Mr.

Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd. Company NameORTHOMEDIC INNOVATIONS SDN. Thank you for sharing this page.

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Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd can be contacted at 60 4-644 5139. Penang Non-active implantable technology Services. Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd 188-D Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Bayan Lepas 11900 Penang Malaysia.

Company ORTHOMEDIC INNOVATIONS SDN BHD is located in with phone number. Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd. Certification Information about Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd.

Is a company registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia and and is issued with the registration number 794763-W for its business operation. Is a company registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia and and is issued with the registration number 859190-X for its business operation. Is the one-stop manufacturer and provider of trauma implants and instruments in the ASEAN region with exports beyond that.

BHDs business includes PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIALISATION OF BIOMEDICAL DEVICES FOR ORTHOPEDIC CARE. Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd. Paramit Malaysia Sdn Bhd.


Established in 2009 ORTHOMEDIC INNOVATIONS SDN. Nearby area or landmark is Kawasan Perindustrian Sungai Tiram. 607-388 2999 4 LinesFax.

Manufacturer and Exporters of peek Baby Lininen Trauma Implants offered by Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd Malaysia. Is an internationally-active medical technology company in developing and manufacturing orthopaedic Trauma Implants and Instrum Read More.

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Sdn Bhd Kerja Kosong Kerajaan

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

Orthomedic Innovations Internationally Active Medical Technology Company

W3rk Creative Agency Innovative Solutions Orthomedic

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